We created an advanced visual identity package for the Rituwell brand of Dr. Jodi Larry.
Upon a detailed brand review and analysis of the existing visuals, we outlined what needed to be changed and addressed. The intent was to ensure the brand visuals follow the brand positioning.
Rituwell is for those who believe well-rounded, holistic wellbeing both inside and out is something you work towards, in a community.
Rituwell is also for those who believe health is something worth investing in (time & money) throughout life.
Rituwell is focused on people who want a supportive environment and experienced guide to lead them on a journey, to improve their health and grow their connection with self.
Throughout our design process, we created a few surveys to help evaluate the name compared to brainstormed alternatives, as well as a survey to bring clarity to the considered colour palette options.
About the Visual Identity
The Rituwell wordmark starts with clear, simple rules and concepts, reflected by the modern sans-serif Montserrat font. There is growth, change and adaptation in the wordmark as the second part “well” shows a more human, fluid, elegant side. The composition of the wordmark gives a sense of being grounded with the letters “ritu”, and yet changing with some energy and dynamics by the italics “well”.
The word “well” is set in lower-case, showing a casual, personal feel. The two last letters “ll” reinforce the idea of surprise and growth as they protrude higher than the rest of the characters.
Symbolicly, the visual is based on 5 elements coming together. They represent the 5 pillars of health: movement, clean food, self-compassion, breath/stillness, and gratitude. The icon is made from triangles - a shape symbolizing the Greek delta glyph - symbolic of a doorway. It is also the strongest shape - perfectly balanced, consiting of three corners. Mystic teachings also incorporate the power of three the birthing of wisdom.
This logo icon can be seen from a top view, as an elegant pyramid with steps to climb up and reach the peak. From a flat point of view it can be seen as layers starting from the inside to grow and develop with flow and movement. They are not perfectly placed, to reflect the Rituwell process - filled with humanity inticacy.
Various on-brand communication pieces were put together to give the business a kick start and develop the brand’s secondary visuals: business cards, presentation template, social media designs and banners.
Find the below brand standards package developed for the Rituwell brand, including the required secondary visual language elements.