We worked with a team of entrepreneurs to name the venture and create a full visual identity package for the data consultancy.
After establishing a basic brand strategy, a statement of differentiation was crafted and we agreed on the following guiding principles:
agile, tactical, focused, personalized, group-work.
The naming was driven by desire to tenuously connect to co-founder’s Northern European roots. We landed on the below and further narrowed down through group testing.
Winter Soldier Consulting Chiron Data Consult Aperture Data Consult
Nick Of Time Advice Osprey Advice NorthData Consulting Peregrine Advise
About the Visual Identity
Overall, the circular visual implies a united, group-work backbone, with harmonious curves reinforcing the shape. The logo is inspired by a flowing labyrinth, speaking of the problem-solving and agility in their approach. Additionally, a Nordic Rune is softly incorporated. Both these symbols are created by the letters D & N. Furthermore, the middle central point talks about an aim or target - solving the problem with a focused, tactical approach.
The workmark is set in a modern sans-serif font, with some interrupted strokes giving it a minimalist look. With clean lines and smooth curves, it has a soft demeanor with sharp, pointy terminals hinting at precision. Lastly, the letter "R" is connected with both partners for its’ Cyrillic alphabet-like appearance.
The colour palette conveys the feeling of winter with grey-blue, while a warm yellow hue adds to the positive outlook. This complimentary colour combination creates a strong contrast, which helps the brand stand out.
Here is the basic brand standards package created for North Data Consulting.
The secondary visual language (graphic background, texture, iconography, photography and photo treatments) were developed side by side with our work on various communication pieces. These were put together to give the business a kick start -- business cards, a presentation template, as well as website graphics and interface customization.
Main Landing Page