I was approached by an enthusiastic entrepreneur with a great idea - to offer an experience concierge service - getaways, retreats, travel plans, and so on. Journey Geeks do all the nerdy research and planning with pleasure, for their clients - both personal and professional.
The company's name was decided by the client.After defining the company's guiding values (energy, comfort, enjoyment, enthusiasm, flexibility, experience), narrowing down the target audience, and creating the statement of differentiation - my visual identity brainstorm and ideation process kicked off.
Here are visual identity ideas:
Since there was a tight deadline for the business cards, they were quickly developed next as the secondary visuals were explored.
Find below options.
Business Card Back Design Options (right)
I mocked-up the website landing page, keeping the brand's visual language consistent on the company's main point of contact with potential customers. The business owner implemented the design via the Shopify platform, and, after one more round of edits, the website was set.
Landing Page Mock-Up on Screen
Lastly, an advanced brand standards package was put in place to ensure all the future brand communications are kept consistent - the key to a memorable brand.