Smart Branding Oomph

Smart Branding Oomph

So you built your business from the ground up - you lost sleep, invested countless hours and poured your soul into this enterprise. What you might not have done is a proper branding exercise along with a full design package, but it did not seem important at the time. Your idea is awesome, everyone loves it and...well...who has the money to invest in visuals anyway?

And your idea was indeed unique, and impressive so it took off. As time goes on, as hard as it might be, you should critically re-evaluate the way your business looks and feels. Take a glance at your main channels of communication, and see your company through your client's eyes. What do the fonts, colors, and layout say about your company? Does your visual identity capture the essence of what you do? Does your brand stand out? When you start reaching for the new highs and go after the bigger and more profitable clients, your appearance as a company will be one of the deciding factors in the ruthless battle for their minds and souls. Having a consistent look with your unique brand presence is a strategic move not to miss.

My name is Iliana Sergeev and I am the founder and owner of IS Design Labs. Over the last 10 years, we have helped businesses large and small reinvent themselves. We added that extra spice into an already great recipe or went through a reexamination and built anew. Consumers shop with their eyes so even a outstanding product needs a proper positioning and a critical design touch. Remember, brand is a silent handshake.

We offer a complimentary brand evaluation. Let’s have a chat!

Brand Consulting | Re-Branding | Brand Standards

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